Thursday, May 28, 2020

Skin Tanning Pills – The Number One Solution for Fair People to Get Tanned!

The golden glow is a lot of morein trend than pale skin. Tanned complexion has been set as the beauty standard and people with tanned skin look great in every type of clothing.

In all these years tanning has become a common practice that people specifically go to beaches and lie there for hours. Without realizing the adverse effect of the sunrays, people keep lying under the sun every day.

Those who already have a brown hue get less bad effects of those UV rays, but it doesn’t mean that they are protected unless they are wearing sunscreen.

People with pale skin are on the verge of risks, and for them, the idea of sun tanning should be absurd. Sun tanning is not a healthy choice for any skin tone, but pale people are on the higher side of the risks since their skin absorbs those UV rays more than brown people.

That is where the idea of skin tanning pills takes place. These pills consist of some ingredients that act with the melanin level in the skin cells, and make the complexion look brownish. Regular consumption provides the skin long-term tan.

It doesn’t mean that these pills come without any side effects, everything has its downsides. But choosing a reliable supplier that has earned the most customer rating means the ingredients are more likely to be natural, and hence there are fewer risks.

Tanned complexion doesn’t just make us less prone to sun damage, but it also brings confidence and beauty to the surface instantly. Also, since professionals don’t have enough time to lie under the sun or go to a sun tanning salon, tanning pills work wonders for these people.

People with pale skin consume the pills as per the dosage recommended. Generally tanning pills from reliable brands include a dosage chart inside the package that describes how much pills to consume a day as per the skin tone.

So from pale to brown, every skin tone can get a tanned complexion and increase your beauty. These tanning pills are useful for both men and women, and they don’t cause any significant side effects unless the consumer is allergic to any specific drug used in the composition.


Before buying the skin tanning pills, it is always recommended to check the label. See if the composition doesn’t have an ingredient that doesn’t suit you. In case it has, you can always switch to another supplier as there are various brands out there that supply tanning pills, all with their own composition.

Also, if you need to determine if you are looking for a long-term or more of a temporary tan. There are different pills available for different results.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tanning - The Cosmetic Approach of New Generation!

People may often be seen at the beaches getting the sunshine for the sake of getting tanned. The trend is so running these days as people consider tanning as more beautiful that enhances their overall looks. Tanning in pale people hide their skin marks and protects them from skin cancer.

Well, at least this is what people think that the sun is a great source of tanning, and free too. But the reality is not what it seems! Sun is absolutely a frees source of energy, but since there is no filter set in between because many people even don’t wear sunscreen, those UV rays along with the sunshine penetrate your skin too.

This makes your skin cells vulnerable and more prone to skin cancer. If the practice is continued for longer, it also burns the skin and eventually leads to DNA mutation.

Tanning and Tanning Pills

Well, not everyone is lost, and some people are actually aware of the sun damage. That is why they now prefer tanning pills by paying a price for tanning instead of going the freeway. There are other products too such as tanning creams, injections, nasal sprays. Regardless of the product, the objective always remains to alter the melanin level in some way that the results get visible on the skin itself.

Well, it can be said that using tanning products are far safer than sun tanning or tanning beds. But as nothing is an exception to the side effects, these products too have their downsides. There are many manufacturers out there, and not everyone includes natural ingredients. The synthetic composition, when taken for longer, creates side effects that individual experiences sooner or later. However, this is another point that even then he wants to carry on the medication or stop for a while.

By choosing the right manufacturer and check the ingredients label before buying, one can make the right choice and minimize the after-effects. Always go for reliable brands that have been supplying tanning products or pills for years. Check their online reputation and what the customers have to say about them. Ensure if any ingredient doesn’t cause you any side effects or you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used.

Toward Safe Tanning

Even if every product has its side effects, by implementing the above-said things, one can minimize the adverseness. Plus, applying sunscreen with SPF 50 or more should always be part of your lifestyle. Protect not just your skin but your eyes and hair too, and you should be tanning fine.

Tip: Apply sunscreen 25 minutes before you are about to leave the indoors.


If one wants to have visible tannin instantly, there are tanning sprays available that you can buy or go to a tanning salon. Otherwise, tanning pills are always the best approach toward beautifying your complexion while avoiding sun tanning at all. Regardless of the tanning method you choose, always wear sunscreen before stepping out of your home.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Tanning Spray And Sunscreen – Do They Go Side By Side?

Getting the tanned skin instantly is a dream come true. Tanning spray is the mechanism that helps get you that even tan within a matter of minutes. However, once you have got that tanned complexion, managing this is essential too.

This is where most people get it wrong, and they become too afraid to apply anything over their tan. Sunscreen is one of the things that most people get dubious about if they should use it or the tan alone is enough.

 Let’s explore the topic and get to know more-

Spray Tanning and Sunblock

Spray tanning is the easiest and quickest way to get tanned, it is also price-friendly. One doesn’t have to stick to the tan permanently, you can get it before any important celebration where you want to look your best.

However, thinking that tan alone is enough to protect your skin against those harmful sun rays, you might be wrong. Those UV rays would easily penetrate your skin cells unless you have got the sunscreen applied all over.

So sunscreen should not be the concern because it is a solution that protects your cells as well as your tan against the sun. Nourishment is essential for the skin, and when that nourishment comes from sunscreen, it just doubles the effects because of the sunscreen factor. So, seeing sunscreen as the best companion of tanned skin is the right thinking which people should know about.

The Right Way to Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreen is important to protect your skin against harsh sun rays, but applying sunscreen the right way is important too. So, every time you plan to go outside, apply sunscreen 20 minutes ago, and carry it along if you have to. These 20 minutes give enough time to your pores to absorb sunscreen completely and form a shield against the sun.

Since you have a spray tan, it is important that you do not rub sunscreen. Instead, apply it gently, and there should be no problem.

The selection of the right sunscreen is important too if you don’t have one already. Sunscreen with at least 50% of the SPF factor should be purchased that can block 98% of the UV rays. Also, about two tbsp of sunscreen should be applied to the exposed areas and about half of it on the face alone.

When you take care of all these factors together, your sunscreen greatly protects your skin against sun damage. Always opt for reliable brands that are now available at most pharmacies, cosmetic stores, and online sites.

People who want tanned complexion for longer without having to be worried about taking care of it can go for tanning pills. These tanning pills are easy to consume and they don’t need you to be exposed to the sun.


For all-around protection, do apply sunscreen over your spray tan. If you want a permanent kind of tan, then opt for skin tanning pills.

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Melanin is a naturally occurring hormone that is responsible for giving brown color to the skin. It is said that more the amount of melanin ...